Help from TGNS comes in many forms and is available to anyone in the community experiencing difficulties. Perhaps you need someone to pick up your prescription or help change a lightbulb, or you might like to have one of our volunteers pop over each week for a cuppa and a chat. All of these are things we can help you with. Take a look below for a full list of services provided by Thame GNS.


Form filling
Maintaining a garden can be hard work regardless of how big or small it is. If you struggle to mow the grass or to keep away the weeds our TGNS volunteers can help you keep on top of things as the seasons change.

Having a chat
Lots of people find it difficult to understand what an application form is asking for and filling it out correctly can be complicated. We can offer assistance when it comes to filling out forms for your bus pass or blue badge.
Please note we are unable to assist with completing benefit claims forms - help with this can be sought from the Citizens Advice Bureau or Age Concern.
We all feel lonely at times, regardless of our age. TGNS aims to combat loneliness through its befriending service. If you would like some company now and again, our volunteers would be delighted to pop over for a chat or give you a call at home.

Occasional transport

Help with your pet
Looking after a pet can become a problem if you have to go into hospital or you find yourself not as mobile as you used to be. TGNS can help care for your pet on a short term basis, whether it be popping in at feeding time or taking them out for a walk, we will make sure they are looked after.
Transport is vital to helping people, particularly the elderly, to stay independent in their own homes - and we are here to help. Our volunteer drivers can get you where you want to go; the shops, a hospital appointment, a visit to your GP.
The service is free, however, you are required to cover any charges for parking incurred. We also welcome donations towards petrol costs.

Household tasks
If you struggle with mobility you may find that simple jobs such as changing a lightbulb or putting out your bins can be difficult. We can help you with minor jobs around the house to make your life a little easier.

Collection Service

Technical Help
Whether it is your library books, a parcel or a prescription, our volunteers will be happy to collect items for you if you struggle to get out and about.
TGNS volunteers will be happy to fix any minor technical problems such as retuning your television or changing a fuse.
Please note, fixing electrical items such as toasters should be left to qualified professionals.